Wednesday, November 14, 2012


When you are playing a sidescrolling game,which do you prefer? WASD or arrows? I prefer WASD because then i don't have to stop to move the gun.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

John forge and the chief are the same????

My friend,19 year old Gunner Rickelman,a human video game supercomputer,told me that john forge is master chief. At first i didn't belive him,but after doing some research i found out that it is possible and probably true. At the time of Halo Wars,There were many spartans.  At first I had doubts,because i didn't know master chief's last name. I feel like a n00b cause i didn't know that,but i'm not a video game supercomputer.

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Avengers!

I take at least one of you went to the midnight release of the Avengers. I did,and it was beaepawesome! So beaepawesome,that i added it to my christmas wish list,and we got it from  blockbuster and watch it as a family. On a scale of one to ten,i give it INFINITY!!! So yeah,it was beaepawesome.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


OK,So i told my friend that i met davis cleveland and sent her a picture(Not this one,a different one that i might show later) And she said,"YOU MISSED A PERFECT BLOGGING OPERTUNITY GO BLOG IT NOW RIGHT NOW!!!!!" So here i am,blogging. I got a picture and autograph.

Monday, September 3, 2012

top 3 miniclip games

this is a post about the top 3 games(in my world) at,a website with all sorts of games! but first,a link to!

3.raft wars
Raft wars is super fun. Just the gameplay,characters,jokes,and story makes it fun!


Zombotron is a really fun game. I am not a zombie game fan,and I love this!

1. commando 3  if there's one game you have to play when you to miniclip,it's commando 3! It's fun,it's violent(though there's no blood),and it's the best commando game ever!!!

Oh,there is one that is tied for #1, and that is Commander n' Chief but i will not reveal what it is. Find out yourself!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Youtube conversation continued!

 Megan:  On my birthday, December 1rst of this year, I am going to post a video titled "Introduction" it will be an important video. Can I trust you to watch it?
I know that's awhile away, but this is very important to me.
 me:  Yes,i will watch it. If i don't,i will punch myself in the stomach. U have my word.
By the way,i finished the post. It was our conversation.
 Megan:  Thank you. And, after you watch it, send it to everyone you know. If I get enough views on it, I can go to Japan... And wait, what?! Why would you do that?!
 Sent at 2:52 PM on Sunday
 me:  Why is that bad? Nd ok
AND ok i meant
 Megan:  Wow... XD why did you post it? I am just wondering.
It's just a silly conversation between a 12 year old and 10 year old.
 me:  I dunno. I just HAVE to do a post. Even though i did one this morning.
And yes,it is silly
 Megan:  It's basically us bickering. XD
 Sent at 2:56 PM on Sunday
 me:  Should i do,"youtube conversation continued"? Megan:  XD I will probably make a Blog on my birthday, so people who donate to my future kickstarter can see how i'm doing!
 me:  Uhh,i'm serious.
 Megan:  Hai, I know you are serious.
No time for an answer,i'm doing it.
 Megan:  Sure, whatever! Oh, and who follows your blog?
 me:  My friend claire....That's it.
 Megan:  Oh... Does anyone besides her read it?
 Sent at 2:58 PM on Sunday
 me:  I dunno,probably.People from russia...Asia..Germany....America...europe...
 Sent at 3:01 PM on Sunday Megan:  XD I will probably make a Blog on my birthday, so people who donate to my future kickstarter can see how i'm doing me:  Well gotta go! Bye megan and blog viewers! Watch sisandbrocopro2nd!
 Sent at 3:05 PM on Sunday
 Megan:  ... I am Sis from SisAndBroProCo2nd......
You know this, right?
 Sent at 3:07 PM on Sunday
 me:  duh yes bye!
 me:  Uhh,i'm serious.
 Megan:  Hai, I know you are serious.

Youtube conversation!

I'm in a conversation with my friend megan. What we got so far
 me:  Hello?
 Megan:  Choto choto!
 Sent at 12:30 PM on Sunday
 Megan:  No. choto choto means "Hey!" In Japanese.
 Sent at 12:33 PM on Sunday
 me:  Oh... You may not know I DON'T SPEAK JAPANESE x-(
 Megan:  ..... But I do...
Or at least, I am learning.
 Sent at 12:36 PM on Sunday
 me:  YAY JAPAN!!! Though america is QAY better
WAY better i mean
 Sent at 12:37 PM on Sunday
 me:  Goshdangit i'll be back in a bit
 Megan:  Actually, the Japanese are way healthier then Americans. Also, they are more serious about school, so Japanese highscoolers are smarter the American highschoolers. This is a true fact.
 Sent at 12:40 PM on Sunday
 Megan:  The Japanese are very healthy, where as Americans..... Aren't that healthy.... I won't go into detail, but these facts are very much true. I won't say Japan is better the America, but I don't like America that much, even though I live here.
 Sent at 12:42 PM on Sunday
 me:  OK,i'm back. Message me when you're back.
 Sent at 2:31 PM on Sunday
 Megan's new status message - Message us whenever!   2:33 PM
 Megan:  Back...
Did you read my messages.
 Sent at 2:34 PM on Sunday
 me:  Yes. Here is my response D:
How could you betray us?!?!?!
 Megan:  Yep. Japan: 1 America: 0
Japan has: Health, Good Education, and awesome tv/music. America has: Standpipe.
 me:  Yea but does japan have halo!??! japan:1 America:1,000,000!!!!!
 Megan:  -_- Japan has Halo, and I am not even sure if America invented Halo. I.think it was another country.
 me:  And does japan have ME?!?!? Japan:1 America:INFINITY!!!!!!!!
 Megan:  Japan also has Pokemon, Anime, Vocaloid.
 me:  and bungie invented halo. They are americans.
 Megan:  Sigh... I am not even going to argue about this with you, if you can't continue this conservation like an adult.
 Sent at 2:39 PM on Sunday
 Megan:  My friend named Bill (who is in his 40s) agrees with me. This country is... Well, not what it used to be.
 Sent at 2:41 PM on Sunday
 me:  I'm not sure i can type like an adult,but i'll try. Let's stop the argument. After i say this. Bill is 40 (No offense bill. sorry for any offencion.) Plus,you're older than me.
Hey,have you checked out my blog?
 Megan:  No, I haven't.
 me:  It's I'm about to do a new post. Go check it,right now.
 Sent at 2:45 PM on Sunday
 Megan:  I'll check it when I have time...
 me:  ohkies!
 Megan:  Oh, I have an extremly important question!
 me:  one sec. gotta do a post Jonah is now AFK. I'll be done in a jiff
But ok.
Wat is it?

Beaepwesome tweet!

This is a shout out to chronic jester doing the impossible. He did a tweet like this ╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Pretty beaepawesome huh?

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Marine life person?

You may have seen that i am a cat AND dog person. I am also a marine life person. Marine life is anything that lives in the sea.

Friday, August 31, 2012

It's official

Well it's official. I am now a cat AND dog person! I've realized to like dogs. They're loyal. They're cute.(Though not as cute as cats:) ) And everybody likes them.(though i still like cats.:) ) Cats are cute,playful,and beaepawesome!! Including my cats,polly and whiskey*(short for whiskers, i will show pics of them in a later post.) I've learned to treat cats and dogs equally. I'm also a lion AND wolf person!(I know they're cats and dogs but,whatevs.)

*Those are'nt my pets

Saturday, August 25, 2012

2nd pokemon game?!?!?!

OK,so i'm a pokemon type of guy,i have pokemon TCG (trading card game) Pokemon games,and more. My most favorite game is pokemon black,because i beat it,i'm beaepawesome at it, i have a level 100 emboar named blazy with the most powerful fire type move in the game,but i just discovered something. I was looking at on amazon instant video looking for a video when i saw the picture above and it said the words POKEMON BLACK VERSION 2. You can probably guess my reaction. EEEEEEEEKKKKKK!!!!!!! A SECOND BLACK VERION?!?!?!??!?!? WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOA!!!!!!!!! As you know,this is the first time they've made a 2nd pokemon game! I'll probably get white version 2 because i'm a reshiram type of guy. reshiram is to the right. The right one.

Monday, August 13, 2012


I'm sorry,i havn't really shown my face have I? Well here ya go! I say that to much,don't I? Hey,if you wanna find out more about me,view my full profile!


Well,to be honest,if i were to choose between a cat and a dog,i would choose cat. You can tell i'm a cat person. Though if i were to choose between wolf and lion,obviously wolf! i know it's a type of dog,but they're so cool! Anyway,i was going to post a tobuscus video,(which i will soon) but i decided to do a picture instead. This is so funny! That's what MY cats do  when they're scared!(not really though.:(     )

Sunday, August 12, 2012

THIS is how excited i am.

Yep. That's the thing. yeah,uh.......HOLYCRAPHOLYCRAPHOLYCRAPHOLYCRAPHOLYCRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!!!! I AM THE MOST EXCITED KID IN THE WORLD FOR HALO 4!!!!!!!!!!! I did in fact pre-order it,and i made a recent payment. I now only have to pay $11.50! Isn't it exciting? ISN'T IT?! HUH?!?!?! ISN'T IT?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!?!?

Friday, August 3, 2012

Space warrior story!

TWO PICTURES?!?!?!?! Any way,here is the link to the story. Check out the blog for more of my drawings and storys and stuff!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


                                                                  Yeah,it's pretty epic. it's inspired by
WAAAAY to big!!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Well,i did it! i pre-ordered halo 4! I know,i know,it's beaepawesome. Well it is!......Sorta. I still have to pay them $21 for the rest of the $60 payment. And,what else is cool is that i get a customizable skin with it,the forest skin. The skin is at the top!

Sunday, July 22, 2012


What's up gamers,It's JonahGamer! Wait....That's for something else.... Well,anyway,WE WENT TO SEE THE LION KING PLAY YESTERDAY!Yes,yes,i know it's beaepawesome.WELL THE PLAY WAS BEAEPAWESOME!The costumes were amazing,and so was the play!I'm not a critic,but 5 stars!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Made it!

Well,i made on halo reality! I didn't win,but made it to the final round! The video should come out soon.but i'm not sure when. Well,might as well post the latesest one!

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Hey guys! It's Jonah! I have some exciting news! I MIGHT be on Halo reality! One of the biggest web shows on youtube and i might be on it! Don't mean to toot my own horn but,uh, TOOT TOOT!====3

Sunday, July 15, 2012


"Tobuscus!" Is what tobuscus says at the beginning of all his videos. That's right, i like tobuscus! and i know his e-mail! WHAT! Yeah,i'm freaking out too much. You need to subscribe to him! He's awesome and funny! So do it! I know where you live....

Saturday, July 14, 2012

the outcome

Well,i didn't get enough money,but i only got 25 dollars to go! To pre-order it is 60 dollars! 60! And i am going to do it! Belive it bub!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Really guys?

Really guys? I havn't got ANY friend requests! Seriouslly guys!!!! SEND ME FRIEND REQUESTS!!!!! I'M JonahChristian! I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!!!!

Garage sales and Halo 4!

"What's up Gamers,It's JonahGamer!"! That's what i say at the beginning of my videos now! Well,Enough about me,Let's cut to the chase! I am going to my ORIGINAL hometown,Lufkin TX today for a garage sale! Well the garage sale is tomorrow,but whatever! All the money i collect will be going toward pre-ordering Halo 4! Wish me luck!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Friday, July 6, 2012

best minecraft skins EVER

These are the best minecraft skins i've ever seen! The top one i did! All me! If you wanna go to the website here you go!

Thursday, June 28, 2012


This is a post all about video games! If anyone wants to play minecraft on the xbox 360 or halo:reach, We can play on saturday! SEND ME FRIEND REQUESTS! I'm JonahChristian! I got the full version of just cause 2 and it is fu-un!

Monday, June 25, 2012


Okay,so today i hatched a plan. I wanted to play on my dad's computer,so i came up with a plan. I would hide under my blanket,push it against the side of my parent's bed,crawl under the bed,pop out and say,"Hand me the computer,and nobody gets hurt"with a plastic katana sword. I called it,"OPERATION:RETRIEVE THE COMPUTER". Let's just say it didn't work out so well. It got SUPER hot under the blanket,and i couldn't come out,or they would spot me. My mom said,"We can totally hear you!"So i know i was in for trouble. They didn't know i was under the bed at first,But then they found out,and i got in trouble. Later,i asked for it,because it took me like 5 minutes to do my plan. So here i am,Finishing my post! See ya!

Part of a blog!

Hey guys!This is Jonah!I just wanted to say i'm part of a blog,!Check it out!

Friday, June 22, 2012


Hey everybody!It's Jonah coming with an update!I am going to start posting pictures on my posts so you judt don't have boring words to look at.......Well......They're not really boring,cause,Jonah,Post 'em!That's it!Bye!.....sigh.....GOODBYE!SEE YA LATER SUCKAH!

top 10 favorite music videos 6


Monday, June 18, 2012


Beaepawesome is a word i created which is beast,epic, and awesome combined,better than ANY definition of cool,all rights reserved,copyright me.I think i've mentioned it in one post.

Spartans never die

SO FUNNY!!!!!!yes,carter actually said that line.Here are my guesses at what is happening.1:He's dead.2:He's missing in action.3:His buddies are missing.4.Those guys look AWESOME!!!!!!!I wish i could draw like that.:(

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Funniest zelda comic strip EVER!

This a pretty funny comic strip that i found!PLEASE LOOK AT IT!!!!!!!


O.M.GOSH!!!!!!!This has to be the FUNNIEST video i have EVER seen in my life!!!!!HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012



Monday, June 4, 2012

My first video.;_;

Well.*sniffle*This i-is my first video.*tear drops from eye*IT MAKES ME SO PROUD OF MEEEEEE!!!!!*bursts into tears*WAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAH!GOT YA! I wasn't crying at all! BOOYAH!Anyways, here's the video.<3

Noble Six

Okay, I realize that I've already posted basically TWO minecraft posts, So let's move on to Halo, Preferably Halo:Reach!My favorite character is none other thaaaaaaan...............NOBLE SIX!!!!!!! That's right the rookie of the team, the most BEAEPAWESOME(Beast, epic, and awesome combined.Better than ANY definition of cool.)member of the team, and basically EVERYBODY'S favorite character.To see how MY noble six looks, play XBOX LIVE with me. Play Halo:Reach to see how my noble six looks, and read the blog post STUFF to find out my gamertag.SEE YA!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

What Steve would look like

I think if steve was in real life he would look something like this(read the following).He would have a buzz cut,purple eyes,and a teal t-shirt.He would have purple pants,the EXACT same color of eyes,and a brown beard.Not like a full on beard,but one of those beards that cartoon beards that guys get when they stay up really late,except steve's would be brown.he would have tan skin,except his would be a little lighter,the perfect tan.I think he would be a great miner,fighter,and gamer.


All right,i got minecraft for the XBOX 360 and it is super fun!Anyways,I went to dallas a few weeks ago,and went to legoland discovery center!It was super fun!Hey,send me friend requests!I am on XBOX LIVE!My gamertag is JonahChristian!

Friday, May 25, 2012


Hey guys!It's your old pal Jonah with a game you should play!It's called COMMANDO 3,and it's awesome!here's the link!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Irony #1

Irony.I hate it.Spider-man trapped in his own webbing.Irony.I will be making more pictures,so stay tuned!

Top 10 favorite music videos 7


Stick figure

You may have seen the little icons that i put up on my first post"My new blog!".No,it was not<-<looking at :), it was a stick figure,just with a smily face!Here are the types of stick figures you can do:Normal-

o<-<    Happy- :)<-<       Sad- :(<-<      Ecstatic- :D<-<    Depressed  >->D:    Hat- <o<-<   .I think i'm the first person to come up with that!

My youtube channel

HEY!Check out my youtube channel!Go to!So check it out OR DIE!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Top 10 favorite music videos10-8

10:AKBAR-Jeffery dallas 9:Jellyfish-Jeffery dallas 8:Stuck inside your head-Jeffery dallas

here are 3 of my favorite music videos.I hope you enjoy them!There are three reasons i like them.1:they are funny.2:they sound good.3:THEY ARE FUNNY!!!!!Did i mention they are funny?

My new blog!

Welcome to my blog!My name is Jonah and i am a christan!I hope my blog get's lot's of views!Please read the rest of this.....OR YOU'LL DIE!Things are pretty good in life, and everything is ok!So bye and enjoy reading!:)<-<