Sunday, September 2, 2012

Youtube conversation!

I'm in a conversation with my friend megan. What we got so far
 me:  Hello?
 Megan:  Choto choto!
 Sent at 12:30 PM on Sunday
 Megan:  No. choto choto means "Hey!" In Japanese.
 Sent at 12:33 PM on Sunday
 me:  Oh... You may not know I DON'T SPEAK JAPANESE x-(
 Megan:  ..... But I do...
Or at least, I am learning.
 Sent at 12:36 PM on Sunday
 me:  YAY JAPAN!!! Though america is QAY better
WAY better i mean
 Sent at 12:37 PM on Sunday
 me:  Goshdangit i'll be back in a bit
 Megan:  Actually, the Japanese are way healthier then Americans. Also, they are more serious about school, so Japanese highscoolers are smarter the American highschoolers. This is a true fact.
 Sent at 12:40 PM on Sunday
 Megan:  The Japanese are very healthy, where as Americans..... Aren't that healthy.... I won't go into detail, but these facts are very much true. I won't say Japan is better the America, but I don't like America that much, even though I live here.
 Sent at 12:42 PM on Sunday
 me:  OK,i'm back. Message me when you're back.
 Sent at 2:31 PM on Sunday
 Megan's new status message - Message us whenever!   2:33 PM
 Megan:  Back...
Did you read my messages.
 Sent at 2:34 PM on Sunday
 me:  Yes. Here is my response D:
How could you betray us?!?!?!
 Megan:  Yep. Japan: 1 America: 0
Japan has: Health, Good Education, and awesome tv/music. America has: Standpipe.
 me:  Yea but does japan have halo!??! japan:1 America:1,000,000!!!!!
 Megan:  -_- Japan has Halo, and I am not even sure if America invented Halo. I.think it was another country.
 me:  And does japan have ME?!?!? Japan:1 America:INFINITY!!!!!!!!
 Megan:  Japan also has Pokemon, Anime, Vocaloid.
 me:  and bungie invented halo. They are americans.
 Megan:  Sigh... I am not even going to argue about this with you, if you can't continue this conservation like an adult.
 Sent at 2:39 PM on Sunday
 Megan:  My friend named Bill (who is in his 40s) agrees with me. This country is... Well, not what it used to be.
 Sent at 2:41 PM on Sunday
 me:  I'm not sure i can type like an adult,but i'll try. Let's stop the argument. After i say this. Bill is 40 (No offense bill. sorry for any offencion.) Plus,you're older than me.
Hey,have you checked out my blog?
 Megan:  No, I haven't.
 me:  It's I'm about to do a new post. Go check it,right now.
 Sent at 2:45 PM on Sunday
 Megan:  I'll check it when I have time...
 me:  ohkies!
 Megan:  Oh, I have an extremly important question!
 me:  one sec. gotta do a post Jonah is now AFK. I'll be done in a jiff
But ok.
Wat is it?

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