Sunday, September 2, 2012

Youtube conversation continued!

 Megan:  On my birthday, December 1rst of this year, I am going to post a video titled "Introduction" it will be an important video. Can I trust you to watch it?
I know that's awhile away, but this is very important to me.
 me:  Yes,i will watch it. If i don't,i will punch myself in the stomach. U have my word.
By the way,i finished the post. It was our conversation.
 Megan:  Thank you. And, after you watch it, send it to everyone you know. If I get enough views on it, I can go to Japan... And wait, what?! Why would you do that?!
 Sent at 2:52 PM on Sunday
 me:  Why is that bad? Nd ok
AND ok i meant
 Megan:  Wow... XD why did you post it? I am just wondering.
It's just a silly conversation between a 12 year old and 10 year old.
 me:  I dunno. I just HAVE to do a post. Even though i did one this morning.
And yes,it is silly
 Megan:  It's basically us bickering. XD
 Sent at 2:56 PM on Sunday
 me:  Should i do,"youtube conversation continued"? Megan:  XD I will probably make a Blog on my birthday, so people who donate to my future kickstarter can see how i'm doing!
 me:  Uhh,i'm serious.
 Megan:  Hai, I know you are serious.
No time for an answer,i'm doing it.
 Megan:  Sure, whatever! Oh, and who follows your blog?
 me:  My friend claire....That's it.
 Megan:  Oh... Does anyone besides her read it?
 Sent at 2:58 PM on Sunday
 me:  I dunno,probably.People from russia...Asia..Germany....America...europe...
 Sent at 3:01 PM on Sunday Megan:  XD I will probably make a Blog on my birthday, so people who donate to my future kickstarter can see how i'm doing me:  Well gotta go! Bye megan and blog viewers! Watch sisandbrocopro2nd!
 Sent at 3:05 PM on Sunday
 Megan:  ... I am Sis from SisAndBroProCo2nd......
You know this, right?
 Sent at 3:07 PM on Sunday
 me:  duh yes bye!
 me:  Uhh,i'm serious.
 Megan:  Hai, I know you are serious.

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