Monday, June 25, 2012


Okay,so today i hatched a plan. I wanted to play on my dad's computer,so i came up with a plan. I would hide under my blanket,push it against the side of my parent's bed,crawl under the bed,pop out and say,"Hand me the computer,and nobody gets hurt"with a plastic katana sword. I called it,"OPERATION:RETRIEVE THE COMPUTER". Let's just say it didn't work out so well. It got SUPER hot under the blanket,and i couldn't come out,or they would spot me. My mom said,"We can totally hear you!"So i know i was in for trouble. They didn't know i was under the bed at first,But then they found out,and i got in trouble. Later,i asked for it,because it took me like 5 minutes to do my plan. So here i am,Finishing my post! See ya!

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