Thursday, February 21, 2013

I'm baaaaaaaaaaack!

HELLO EVUHREWUN!!!(ev-uh-ree-one) THE LORD OF GAMING....... HAS RETURNED!!!!! Yes,I'm back. It seems impossible,but it just happened. Your mind is BLOWN right? I've been so busy with videOS and video GAMES and other stuff,I've sorta forgotten about this old blog. But it won't happen again...... Hopefully. Now,i have a Kindle Fire,so i can blog on the go!......... Hopefully....... Again. Welp im bringing you some gaming news...... for some random reason. Today im going to give you a minecraft PE! The seed iiiiiiiisss........ nyan   the reason i didnt use a period is beacause i didnt want you to get confused and think it was nyan. which its not,its nyan plain and simple. Again,its nyan. NO NOT NYAN. JUST NYAN!!!!!! NO NOT NYAN!!!!!! BUT JUST NYAN WITHOUT CAPS!! NO ITS NO-- RRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER MIND!!!!          OK. I'm fine. Anyway,it has a bunch of lava and water and its pretty awesome. Last time i was on there were BABY SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!! AWWWWWWWWW!!!! not SHEEEEEEEEEEEP just shee-- I'm not doing this again. No the animal isnt called I'm not doin-- never mind. SPECIAL EPIC BEAEPAWESOME SUPER COOL BONUS SEED!!!!!!! This seed is 0.69.0 and it has the ores in this order: Iron,Gold,then Diamond. WHAAAAA?!?!?!?!? DIAMONDS?!?!?!?!? Yes person that i just imitated reading this post,Diamonds. Remember,for minecraft PE only! Now,an important message. As you all know,I have a clean,family friendly channel called JonahGamer. If you didn't know.... Now you do. Check it out. NOW. You can leave in the gamers notes (comments) section an idea for my next video and I might do it! I probably will! And please,tell your friends about me! It would probably help my publicity a LOT. So do it. RIGHT. NOW. Anyway,that's it! (Wow,from the length of this post,I've probably made up for that time i didn't i post.) Bye! For know. X3