Thursday, July 26, 2012


Well,i did it! i pre-ordered halo 4! I know,i know,it's beaepawesome. Well it is!......Sorta. I still have to pay them $21 for the rest of the $60 payment. And,what else is cool is that i get a customizable skin with it,the forest skin. The skin is at the top!

Sunday, July 22, 2012


What's up gamers,It's JonahGamer! Wait....That's for something else.... Well,anyway,WE WENT TO SEE THE LION KING PLAY YESTERDAY!Yes,yes,i know it's beaepawesome.WELL THE PLAY WAS BEAEPAWESOME!The costumes were amazing,and so was the play!I'm not a critic,but 5 stars!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Made it!

Well,i made on halo reality! I didn't win,but made it to the final round! The video should come out soon.but i'm not sure when. Well,might as well post the latesest one!

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Hey guys! It's Jonah! I have some exciting news! I MIGHT be on Halo reality! One of the biggest web shows on youtube and i might be on it! Don't mean to toot my own horn but,uh, TOOT TOOT!====3

Sunday, July 15, 2012


"Tobuscus!" Is what tobuscus says at the beginning of all his videos. That's right, i like tobuscus! and i know his e-mail! WHAT! Yeah,i'm freaking out too much. You need to subscribe to him! He's awesome and funny! So do it! I know where you live....

Saturday, July 14, 2012

the outcome

Well,i didn't get enough money,but i only got 25 dollars to go! To pre-order it is 60 dollars! 60! And i am going to do it! Belive it bub!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Really guys?

Really guys? I havn't got ANY friend requests! Seriouslly guys!!!! SEND ME FRIEND REQUESTS!!!!! I'M JonahChristian! I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!!!!

Garage sales and Halo 4!

"What's up Gamers,It's JonahGamer!"! That's what i say at the beginning of my videos now! Well,Enough about me,Let's cut to the chase! I am going to my ORIGINAL hometown,Lufkin TX today for a garage sale! Well the garage sale is tomorrow,but whatever! All the money i collect will be going toward pre-ordering Halo 4! Wish me luck!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Friday, July 6, 2012

best minecraft skins EVER

These are the best minecraft skins i've ever seen! The top one i did! All me! If you wanna go to the website here you go!