Friday, May 25, 2012


Hey guys!It's your old pal Jonah with a game you should play!It's called COMMANDO 3,and it's awesome!here's the link!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Irony #1

Irony.I hate it.Spider-man trapped in his own webbing.Irony.I will be making more pictures,so stay tuned!

Top 10 favorite music videos 7


Stick figure

You may have seen the little icons that i put up on my first post"My new blog!".No,it was not<-<looking at :), it was a stick figure,just with a smily face!Here are the types of stick figures you can do:Normal-

o<-<    Happy- :)<-<       Sad- :(<-<      Ecstatic- :D<-<    Depressed  >->D:    Hat- <o<-<   .I think i'm the first person to come up with that!

My youtube channel

HEY!Check out my youtube channel!Go to!So check it out OR DIE!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Top 10 favorite music videos10-8

10:AKBAR-Jeffery dallas 9:Jellyfish-Jeffery dallas 8:Stuck inside your head-Jeffery dallas

here are 3 of my favorite music videos.I hope you enjoy them!There are three reasons i like them.1:they are funny.2:they sound good.3:THEY ARE FUNNY!!!!!Did i mention they are funny?

My new blog!

Welcome to my blog!My name is Jonah and i am a christan!I hope my blog get's lot's of views!Please read the rest of this.....OR YOU'LL DIE!Things are pretty good in life, and everything is ok!So bye and enjoy reading!:)<-<